- Your responsibilty for staying safe
- Notes for Walk Leaders
- Notes for Walkers
- First Aid Kits
- Staying Safe Around Cattle
- Dogs
Your responsibilty for staying safe
YOG is run entirely by volunteers and cannot accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage sustained by any person in consequence of their participation in a YOG event. YOG does not have any insurance (including Public Liability Insurance) and all persons attending events do so at their own risk, and take full responsibility for their actions.
Notes for Walk Leaders
- Remember that in general YOG walks are between 10 and 12 miles in length; if you intend to lead a shorter or longer walk please state this clearly on the programme.
- Checkout the Whats On? page to view what events are planned and the Past Events page to view events in the past.
- If you do not feel confident enough to lead a walk on your own, consider leading one jointly with someone else.
- Walk leaders have sole responsibility for deciding whether the walk can go ahead or whether it should be cancelled, for example due to illness, poor weather, etc. Ideally as much notice as possible should be given to members that a walk has been cancelled. A walk can be cancelled by contacting either the Programme Secretary or any member of the committee who will inform all members by email.
- Walk leaders without their own transport should ensure they have a lift arranged sufficiently beforehand so that if they cannot, members can be given as much notice as possible that the walk has had to be cancelled.
- Before leaving Nunnery Lane, ensure each car knows where you are starting the walk from.
- Know how many walkers you have in your group.
- Ensure that new people know how long and strenuous the walk will be and that they are properly equipped.
- Try to ensure that there are at least two maps carried by the group-as well as a GPS if you want to use one. If you don’t have your own map, contact Mark Cook who holds the YOG map library. In the unlikely event of the one you require not being available, a new map can be bought.
- Try to ensure that at least one person is carrying a first aid kit/survival bag (YOG has five; speak to a committee member or the leader of last week’s walk to get one).
- Ensure that you can see all members of the group even if you stretch out along the path and especially if you are walking in the mist. Consider using a “back-marker” to bring up the rear.
- Consider ‘escape routes’ if the walk is taking too long or people are tired or ill, or if conditions deteriorate.
- When you are waiting for some group members to catch up with you, allow them rest time too before you set off again.
- Don’t let anyone go off on their own.
- Avoid walking in the dark.
Notes for Walkers
- Walk leaders are the first point of contact for all enquiries regarding a particular walk. Walk leaders contact details are shown in the weekly Programme Update email.
- Events may have to be cancelled at short notice. If an event is cancelled, all members will be notified via email. It is members’ responsibility to check their emails before setting off for a walk/event.
- Assess whether you are fit enough to participate before you join the walk. If necessary, discuss this with the walk leader.
- If you have a medical condition that could affect you during the walk, or become unwell during the walk, please ensure both that the walk leader is aware of this and that someone in the group knows what to do if you are taken ill.
- Ensure that you are properly equipped with boots, waterproofs and warm clothing.
- Ensure that you carry sufficient food and liquid for the activity (including emergency rations, particularly if the terrain is high or remote).
- Consider taking a map, compass, whistle, torch, first aid kit, survival bag if you have them.
- Ensure that someone in your car knows where the walk is starting from.
- Please don’t go off on your own!
First Aid Kits
YOG has a number of first aid kits which are distributed amongst members, ideally those who frequently attend walks. If you would like to be a holder of a first aid kit, please contact a committee member.
If you hold a first aid kit, please check it occasionally to check it is complete, that you know how to use its contents, and that contents are within any Use By date. If any items need replacing, either replace them yourself and claim back the cost from YOG or contact a committee member.
Staying Safe Around Cattle
Cattle related injuries or deaths are not common but we must at all times take steps to protect ourselves & fellow members:
- Stay calm & avoid running.
- Keep together & walk around the herd avoiding close contact particularly with calves.
- If cattle are crowded close to the field gate or path, the Walk Leader may choose an alternative route.
Members are generally allowed to bring their (well behaved) dog on a walk. However, a walk leader may decide that their walk is not suitable for dogs. If this is the case, it will be stated clearly in the programme.
If dogs are allowed, in the interest of all group members, they are to remain on a lead at all times.